Project Spotlight: American Fence Company provides security fence to assist suicide prevention

Security Fence Aids in Public Safety
American Fence Company was recently contracted to install a security fence to aid in public safety. The project started 12 months ago, when the Arizona Department of Transportation (ADOT) requested suggestions on how to fence a bridge that was constructed in the 1930’s. This presented a number of design challenges. The original ADOT specification called for a curved top fence (a “candy cane” design) that is prevalent on bridges throughout the country. However, the bridge was far too narrow to accommodate this typical design. Additionally, welding on the bridge was not permitted due to the structural and fire safety hazards. The bridge had to be visually pleasing due to the huge number of tourists who enjoy the surrounding scenic views. Finally, American Fence had to complete the work at night while working through traffic control issues due to high traffic on the bridge and hiking trails below.
To overcome all of these obstacles, American Fence fabricated plates and brackets to attach the fence posts to the bridge. These plates and brackets were hot-dipped galvanized and powder-coated brown. The fence framework was also powder-coated brown while the one inch “non-climb” mesh fabric was PVC-coated. Using plates and brackets allowed the fence installers to use bolts instead of welding. The brown framework and chain-link fabric blended in with the natural environment. One inch “non-climb” fabric prevents people from scaling the fence without the need for a curved top. American Fence installed this project ahead of schedule and on-budget.
American Fence Company is the nation’s premier fence contractor providing temporary fence panels, commercial installation and high security fencing. We also manufacture and wholesale a wide variety of fence products, including galvanized tube and pipe, right here in the United States. With 17 offices in 7 states, American Fence can provide all your fencing needs in Phoenix, Prescott, Show Low, Tucson, Albuquerque, Farmington, Denver, San Marcos, Santee, Perris, Los Angeles, Salt Lake City, Wichita, Las Vegas, Houston, Dallas and San Antonio. To request a quote please visit and follow us on Facebook and LinkedIn.